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Do you find your iPhone charging port not working? Have you searched countless solutions online only to come up empty-handed?
If yes, then you are not alone. This is a very common issue that a lot of users face. The reason for this is because the port that your iPhone uses to charge is part of the power adapter as well.
In most cases, the charging port on an iPhone will become faulty after constant use.
So if it doesn’t work right away, there’s a chance it will continue to malfunction in the future as well. And since an unresponsive charging port can be very inconvenient, we have detailed solutions on how you can fix it yourself in just a few minutes.
We’ll even tell you what could be causing your problem so you can look for potential causes and fixes from there instead of troubleshooting the same issue over and over again.
What is a faulty iPhone charging port?
If your iPhone charging port stops working, this could be the result of a problem with the power adapter.
The charging port on your iPhone is part of the power adapter and can become faulty after constant use.
If it doesn’t work right away, there’s a chance it will continue to malfunction in the future as well. A charger that doesn’t charge or charges very slowly could also be a result of this issue.
How to fix an iPhone charging port that’s not working
To fix this problem, follow these steps:
Step 1: Plug in your iPhone and make sure the power adapter is plugged in as well.
Step 2: If the iPhone still doesn’t charge, try plugging in a wall or power outlet instead of the power adapter.
Step 3: Remove the battery from your phone and then plug it back in to see if that helps.
Step 4: If none of these solutions work, try contacting Apple.
Try using other charging methods

If you have an iPhone X to 14, try using a USB-C to a Lightning cord that plugs into a power adapter instead of your iPhone’s charging port. An early version of an iPhone is recommended use USB to a Lightning.
Use this cable in conjunction with your Apple 18W, 20W, 29W, 30W, 61W, 87W, or 96W USB-C Power Adapter to charge your iOS device and take advantage of the fast-charging functionality on certain iPhone and iPad models.
Check the Lightning cable connecting to your device
The first thing you should do is check the Lightning cable connecting to your device.
If the connection is broken, you could try using a different charging cable instead of getting rid of the original one.
If it’s not the cable that’s causing your issue, then it’s time to take apart your iPhone and see what might be wrong with it. If you’re still having problems after this, it’s time to send it in for repair or replacement.
Is your power adapter bad?
First, you can try and fix the charging port on your iPhone by following the steps below.
- Make sure that your power adapter is switched off and then unplugged from your iPhone.
- Go to the back of your phone and remove the back plate using a prying tool or a fingernail.
- Find the charging port which is usually located at the opposite end of where the home button is located.
- With a thin object like a needle, gently insert it into the charging port and move it around until you hear a click sound. If this doesn’t work, then you might need to replace your power adapter with an original Apple charger.
- Replace your power adapter with an original one by following these steps:
- 1) Unscrew the two screws on either side of the connector for about five seconds each. Do this slowly so you don’t strip them out completely. This will release any internal pressure in the connector.
- 2) You’ll know that you’ve successfully disconnected when there’s no visible power coming out of your cord anymore (if there is still some light coming through, chances are that’s just residual current being drawn). You can now safely disconnect from your iPhone without fear of electrical shock, but don’t try powering up yet as it might not work!
Try using another charger with the same voltage setting
If your iPhone is not charging even when connected to power, try using another charger with the same voltage setting. We’ll be honest; this sounds like a long shot. However, it only takes 10 minutes to test this out and you may find that your problem has been solved without needing to buy new parts.
If you are still having an issue after testing out this method, there’s no need to panic or spend any money on repairs. You can simply visit your nearest Apple Store for assistance and they will fix your issue for free in a matter of minutes.
Check the USB connection between your device and PC/Charger
If your issue is with the USB connection between your device and PC/Charger, there are a few different things you can do to solve this.
Try disconnecting and reconnecting both ends of the cable. If that doesn’t work, try cleaning the charging port on your device by using a cloth dampened in alcohol. If none of those solutions work, then you may need to replace the power adapter or charger.
If your iPhone charging port is not working, try the following:
1. Check to see if you have a faulty iPhone charging port.
2. Try using different charging methods such as a car charger, wall charger, or battery pack.
3. Take a look at your Lightning cable connecting the device to your power adapter.
4. Check the USB connection between your device and PC or a charger.
5. Make sure your power adapter is not bad by using it with another charger.
6. Look at your power adapter and make sure that it matches the voltage of your charger and your device.
What are the symptoms of a charging port that is not working?
There are a few signs that can indicate that the charging port on your iPhone is not working or is not charging your device. The first thing that you should look for is an erratic lightning icon at the top of the screen.
If you see a flickering or not flashing lightning icon, it can mean that your charging port isn’t working properly. If your lightning icon doesn’t appear, there are a few more clues that can lead you to the same conclusion.
If you notice that your phone isn’t charging anymore, there may be a problem with your power adapter. It may be defective, or it may be using up too much energy. If this happens, your phone will simply not charge and you’ll have to seek out a new power adapter.
If you haven’t noticed anything wrong with your adapter and it still isn’t working, there could be something wrong with the charging port on your iPhone itself. A faulty port may cause problems with the connection between the phone and the adapter in the first place. So if this is the case, then it would be best to take it into Apple service to have it looked at or replaced if necessary.
How can you troubleshoot a charging port that is not working?
If your iPhone charging port is not working, there are a few things you can check to make sure it is indeed the charging port that is malfunctioning. The first thing you can do is unplug the charging cable from your device and plug it into another outlet to make sure the outlet is working properly. This can often be the first step in troubleshooting a charging issue on your iPhone.
The next thing you can do is try using a different charging cable for your iPhone. Different cables have varying qualities such as length and build quality. If you are very particular about the quality of your charging cables, then you will want to pick up a new one. But if you are more likely to just grab whatever is available, then this will not likely be an issue for you.
The last thing you can try is upgrading your power adapter for your iPhone to see if that makes a difference. Some power adapters have more power output while others have built-in protection features to avoid overcharging your device. Again, this may or may not make a difference in the long run, but it is worth testing out and see if it works better than what you are currently using.
Overall, if none of these options work to fix your charging port on an iPhone, then there may be something wrong with the port itself. You can try contacting Apple support via their support website or by calling them directly at 1-800-APL-CARE (1-800-275-2273). But even if they are unable to help you fix the problem, they may be able to help find a solution for it in another way so that it doesn’t happen again (if possible).
What are the potential causes of a charging port that is not working?
It is pretty common for charging ports on iPhones to become faulty. This happens because the charge connector inside the port gets worn out after a lot of use. This can make the connector loose or detached from the power adapter. If this is the situation, then you will not be able to charge your iPhone.
If your iPhone is unresponsive when charging, then there are a few possible reasons for this. One of them is that the connector inside the device has become loose as well. In this case, you will have to fix it manually by removing the connector and tightening it up with a screwdriver or needle nose pliers.
Another reason can be that there is a connectivity issue between the power adapter and your device. If there is something wrong with the charging port on your iPhone, then you can take it to an authorized service center to have it fixed.